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Our mision

Ragmet Raffineria S.R.L stands as a major player on the international stage of the non-ferrous recycling industry.


With an impressive figure of 36,000 tons of non-ferrous waste and 20,000 aluminum ingots, we have become a trusted name in this field.


The environment is more than just an operational context for us - it's a determining factor in how we conduct our activities.


Our focus on environmental protection is highlighted by our relentless efforts to reduce harmful emissions.


We know that the recycling sector is essential in achieving this goal. With aluminum at the core of our operations, an extremely valuable recyclable material, we strive to be at the forefront of this ecological effort.

Besides our environmental protection mission, we find ourselves in a critical period of industrial evolution. Recently, the concept of "carbon footprint" was introduced in the aluminum recycling sector. It represents a key indicator established by the government to monitor and reduce the industrial impact on the environment. The carbon footprint refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions produced over the life of a product. In the case of aluminum, this impact is deeply felt when it's produced from primary ingots. The production of primary aluminum ingots requires a significant amount of carbon and electricity, thus having a major negative impact on the environment.


Recognizing this truth, Ramet Raffineria has set out to offer a sustainable alternative. By providing recycled material for the industry, we support manufacturers in creating products with a much lower environmental impact. In doing so, we not only help the industry meet its ecological objectives but also comply with the strict regulations imposed by the government.


At its core, our mission at Ragmet Raffineria goes beyond mere material processing. We are dedicated to protecting our planet, supporting the industry to become more responsible, and producing in a way that prioritizes the environment and the future of subsequent generations. Through advanced recycling technologies and a strong commitment to excellence and innovation, we hope to contribute to a world where responsible production and consumption become the norm, not the exception.


Using state-of-the-art technologies, we are able to process and purify materials with unprecedented efficiency and precision, ensuring we meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

Our mission is multifaceted and focuses on the following objectives:

  • Innovating the system to reduce its negative impact on the environment.
  • Creating a quick and efficient process, from collection to recycling.
  • Implementing cutting-edge technology to make processes more sustainable.
  • Providing a more efficient logistical service tailored to client needs.
  • Tailoring products based on specific market demands. Every day, we strive to improve and innovate, always with an eye on the future and the well-being of our planet.


Every day, we strive to improve and innovate, always keeping in mind the future and the well-being of our planet.

In conclusion, Ragmet Raffineria is proud to play an active role in changing the industrial landscape, offering solutions that balance production needs with the imperative of environmental protection. With a clear and determined vision to better the future, we take pride in every step we take in this direction.

Discover the two Ragmet Raffineria locations

Sos. Centurii Nr. 5-7
Bragadiru, jud. Ilfov
Str. Cantonului 30 C
Cluj Napoca, jud. Cluj